This is a restricted website for SWF Investments clients and the client's professional advisors




Stock Exchange




Information for sovereign governments & state enterprises


SWF Investments are a resource which has been established by a number of sovereign wealth funds and state enterprises to produce acquisition and investment databases and forecasting tools for potential acquisition targets. 

Subscription to SWF Investments is by invitation only, and is restricted to government organisations or state enterprises.




Professional Advisors to Clients


Partially authorised users.  This portal contains a restricted database for the Corporate Databases, plus client/advisor correspondence files.

Enter Database

Professional Advisors' FAQ

Fully authorised users.  This portal contains the full Corporate Database, plus the associated working papers and correspondence files. 

Enter Database

Clients' Frequently Asked Questions


For email, telephone or fax contacts: Clients and Professional Advisors should use the dedicated country numbers provided in the Service Manuals.

SWF Investments do not deal with the public or with any company or commercial organisation in which our clients have no equity stake.

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